Sunday, February 20, 2011


Oh the things I have been working on.. CRAZY! I sometimes wonder why I feel the need to keep busy every second of my life. I do know that love+bash is the coolest thing I have worked on in a long, long time.
What is love+bash you may ask? Well let me give you the low down.
A while back I met with Nikita Gross, from Nikita Gross Photography simply as a networking kind of meeting.. at a bar..We both knew going into this meeting that we had to make time for a LONG meeting, because after looking at each others work, we knew we would be chatting for awhile. So we met and in all of about 20 minute we were talking about an "alternative bridal show" something that would attract the kind of clients we would love to work with. A show that would NOT showcase the "generic" vendors, but something that would show off the awesome artistic talent in this area. The talent that can make a wedding friggin' awesome! The kind of vendors that you see in blogs and swoon over. The kind of vendors who know that there is more to a wedding than a zilllion dollar budget and who can make awesomeness happen.
After our initial meeting and the "holy shit we HAVE to do this.." we met again at my house, and love+bash was born. Not only was a friendship created but a passion was sparked. We knew that we had to show brides in this area that there is more to bridal shows than what they are used to seeing. We want to show brides that not all bridal shows have to be scary! And they are. I know, I went to one of the bigger ones a little while back and I was scared to even look at a vendor! I felt like an asshole! And to be honest, I felt bad for the vendors that were there! WHY in the hell do people feel like they have to whore themselves like that? If you do good work, you do not have to attack poor brides like vultures and make them think weddings are still like they were 25 years ago! THEY ARE NOT!! Weddings now are all about you! What you like, your style, your love for your love! Not some generic, stupid, cheese-ball gathering. The kind where people are saying"oh shit we have to go to a wedding this weekend." In their "oh crap" voice. We don't want your guest to think that at all!
We are 100% committed to making love+bash a party for both brides, grooms, moms and dads, as well as the vendors involved. We want brides to be able to see ideas rather than hear about them. We want brides to walk away with do-it-yourself ideas and direction. You will see some cutting edge and alternative fashions at the fashion show. You will rock out to some serious tunes, have a drink and have fricking fun! This is not a bridal show that you will be attacked at. Brides will want to talk to the vendors, and will not be afraid to make eye-contact! We want to achieve an event like atmosphere, where people are proud to show off work in a non-booth setting. Also where brides want to chat it up with the vendors! We want you to have an awesome wedding whether you use us or not! That is the point of love+bash! Get inspiration, meet amazing vendors, have fun! So make sure to mark your calendars for May 15, 2011 at Leapin Lizard in Covington, KY! You will not want to miss the tri-state area's first and only badass bridal show!
Oh one more thing.. where would we be without facebook? Go "like" the page to keep up with the details and other useful wedding tips, inspiration, and ideas! Visit love+bash's facebook page!

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